5 Best Way To Consume Eggs
Many people thought that eggs is a healthy food. It is the healthy food but with proper portion. Eggs are more commonly known as folk foods that are easy to find and contain nutrients, yet few know that eggs can also be harmful to health. The best solution to keep the body healthy eating eggs, including: Boil or Cook the Egg Some people think if eating eggs menytah is healthy. Raw eggs are presumed to contain many bacteria and parasites that can interfere with digestive health. If you want to eat boiled eggs then boil until properly cooked. Boiled cooked eggs will still have a whole nutrient content and more amn to be consumed. Only 3 eggs per day Eating eggs is recommended not to exceed 3 eggs per day because it is for prevention of increased fat and cholesterol in the body. Actually the ideal amount to take is only one eggs per day. Eggs are intact Eat eggs not just white or yellow. Eat everything so that your body can feel the benefits of high protein for health. If ...